Monday, 22 April 2013

Important questions for PG:
1. Explain SQL Command.
2. Explain GRANT and REVOKE command.
3. Deffrentiate SQL V/s. SQL *Plus
4. What is snapshot. Explain in detail.
5. Explain function of SQL.
6. Explain Operator.
7. What is normalization. Explain in detail.
8.What is cluster ? Explain in details.
9. Explain Group by and Having clause.
10.Explain transaction control command.
11. Explain Redo log file in detail.
12. What is table space? Explain its types.
13. What is backup and recovery?
14. What is trigger? Explain.
15. What is cursor? Explain its types.
16. Explain Instance Architecture.
17. What is stored procedure? Explain with example.
18. Explain import and export.
19. Write down Dr. E. F. Ted Codd Rule.
20. Justify Oracle as RDBMS.

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